Gabor Granger
price test

Find the optimal price

Find out the optimal price for a new product, service or content to maximize revenue and profitability through a survey where we use the Gabor Granger monadic price testing methodology.

The price test measures the following metrics:

  • Category purchase frequency
  • Market potential
  • Consideration
  • Price elasticity
  • Optimal price for revenue
  • Optimal price for gross margin


The findings will be presented in a dashboard that is accessible via your SynoCloud log in that that can be exported to PDF or PPT.


Price starting from 500 EUR for a sample size of 125 respondents per country and test. For Gabor Granger price tests where the set up or target group is not standard, different pricing apply

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Gabor Granger pricing studies, brand tracking, campaign evaluation research modules and more.
